
Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Have You Seen This Baby?

Born in Magura, Bangladesh, he has wrinkles, hollow eyes, a shrunken body and a thick layer of hair on his back. Local doctors were left stunned as to what the cause of his ageing is – but they believe he has progeria – a rare condition which causes him to age quickly.

The condition – which affects just one in four million – often restricts children from having a normal
life and causes their body to age faster than it should.

His parents are however over the moon with the birth of their ‘miracle’ child and can’t hold back their happiness. DailyMail reports Father Biswajit Patro said:
‘We can only thank God. There is no need to be unhappy about the appearance of my son. We will accept him the way he is. We are so happy to have a baby boy in the house.
‘We are already blessed to have  a daughter. Now we are a family of four. What else can we ask for.’

Doctors at the local hospital have assured the family the baby will do well for now. His family remain positive he will grow up healthily despite most children with the condition not living past the age of 13.

More photos below.

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