
Friday, 30 September 2016

Nigeria at 56: My Message of Hope To Nigerians

Looking beyond the brouhaha over the challenges before us,i have decided to draw from a positive reflection to send a “Message of Hope” to Nigeria and Nigerians,  as we  celebrate our 56th Independence Anniversary Today October 1st, 2016.
we are all aware  that the country is presently facing some challenges so  I bring you this message of hope
As we celebrate Nigeria @ 56, I want the Nigerian youths to ponder on what our generation will do for Nigeria. We need to depart from the 56 years of self-propaganda and tribalism to evolve a better Nigeria. Lets join hands to build a greater  Nigeria as youths we aren’t just the leaders of tomorrow, we are changing the world now
Nigeria will surely be great again. But it is up to us- it is up to Nigerians to change Nigeria. We should never give up on Nigeria. It has been (56) fifty six years  of chequered history. Let’s join hands together to make our  country the stuff of our dreams, the Nigeria that our children’s children would definitely be proud of. Nigeria will surely be great again. It’s up to Nigerians to change NIGERIA

We should know that  there is ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel! So whatever Nigerians are facing  right now, it is only a phase…as it is said  "Every day points to the fact that things are getting better but it may not be so clear to the naked eyes”
Nigeria is a great Nation,  any day and we don’t need any prophet to assure us of that. We can see God’s hands in everything we do. What we lack is love for the fellow man. If we can imbibe the spirit of love then everything will fall into place. And most important: the answer to moving Nigeria to the next level is in the hands of the youths. Look everywhere and see the power, potential and ability of the average Nigerian Youth–(and you’ll be filled with hope)”

We are a people strong in will, we are a nation diverse in culture yet united in peace. We stand tall amidst crisis, poverty, and economical disintegration and emerge as The loudest voice in Africa. I salute a blessed nation at 56
My fellow  Nigerians on this occasion of the country’s 56th anniversary we should keep  the dreams of our founding fathers alive in our time… let’s keep working towards the Nigeria of our dreams…let’s keep the faith. Nigeria will be great again; Nigeria will stand tall again among nations. We’ll surely get there.
We must start seeing ourselves as better than what we are now.
Finally my country Nigeria! I am very proud to be a citizen of this great country. I so much believe there is light at the end of the tunnel for us, though we are not where we should be but the good thing is that we are not where we use to be.” Nigeria will be great again!
Happy Independence Nigeria!!!
Long Live Nigeria !!!
God bless our president !!!
God bless Nigeria!!

Written by Solomon Sarah
Facebook :Kogi Queen
Sarah is a young Writer, a blogger
and an Entrepreneur

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