
Thursday, 13 October 2016

series: " BATTLE "-part 6

About Eight hours after, I finally sat in
the office of the doctor to get a detailed
explanation on Kenny's condition. All I had been
told as I waited was that he was alive and he had
been taken in for ultrasound and later for

The nurses refused to tell me the
severity of the accident and I had brought hell
down screaming and shouting. Eventually, I called
my sister-in-law who came to wait with me and
was able to calm me down. I had to leave the
hospital briefly to use the cash machine and make
some monetary deposits but aside from that I had
been unable to drink even a drop of water.
the doctor started, but I quickly cut him short
'Sir, please just go straight to the point, how is
he? What happened? What was the surgeryfor?
orelaxabit' 'Okay,pleasegoon' I said. 'Your
husband is fine and the surgery was successful.
He suffered from testicular trauma as a result of
the force of his testicles on the bicycle when the
accident occurred' 'Jesus Christ!!!!! see
trouble.. What do you mean testicular trauma?
He doesn't have testicles again? How are we
supposed to have children now? Haaaaaaa Kenny
will kill me'. 'Please relax and let's not jump the
gun here. I didn't say he doesn't have testicles
again. There was just some rupture and
dislocation as well and that is why we had to do an
immediate surgery. It has been successfully fixed
now and we are hopeful that there should be no
cause for infertility in the nearest future. Of
course, we will advise that he stays off sexual
activity for a while until he is properly healed to
avoid him developing
harged'. 'I will want to just observe him
overnight to be sure he is okay. He should be able
to go hometomorrow'. We eventually got home
the next day after staying in the hospital all
night. His sister left us in the hospital later in
the evening after confirming that Kenny was
okay. Kenny was withdrawn and quiet and it felt
like the cycle had started again. It was still
surreal that it was just yesterday morning we
agreed to call a truce and it felt like that did not
even happen.
Iaskedafterhehadsettleddownonthebed' 'Lola, no
I am not okay. You know what? I regret marrying
you. I don't feel like the man that found a wife
and found a good thing because it's like your sole
purpose is to cause mesorrowandsadness'.
Mymouthwasagape.I just did not understand the
reason for such anonymity. 'You know when I
decided to marry you I had a plan. I knew what I
wanted. I wanted a woman who will love me and
make me happy. I wanted a life of joy and
happiness. I wanted to build fun memories of just
the two of us even outside the kids but I have
not had any of that with you. It's from one
problem to another. We have been married for
just 9monthsandalreadyIamtired' 'Kenny, why
will you say all these to me? Why? What exactly
have I done to destroy your
socalledhappinesssomuch?' 'Immediately after
the wedding, it took about 2 weeks for you to
even calm down enough to let me deflower you.
As soon as that was over, you got fixated about
pregnancy making sex totally boring. When I was
talking to you about just enjoying each other
and having fun, all you did was lie down there
missionary style claiming that is the best way to
get pregnant. After five months of that, you
went into your so called fasting period and now
because of all the frustration you have put me
through, I went to ride my bicycle just to vent
and got into an accident? Did you know it was
because I was thinking about you that I lost
concentration? And to crown it all, it's like the
devil was tryingtocrackajoke,testiculartrauma?
Iamtiredmadam' I sat there in silence not
knowing what to say and after a while I just got
angry. 'How dare you Kenny? How can you blame
me for your sadness or so called unhappiness? I
wake up daily praying for you and this is how you
repay me? Was it not when you married me your
business went from struggling and started
excelling and you dare insult me? I wont let the
devil use you more than he already has. This
conversation isover.Dowhateveryouwant'. I
stood up from his side and walked out of the
bedroom with deep confusion in my heart. For the
first time I wondered if it would not have been
better staying single. #are we following at all? Ask for part 7

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